If Trees Have Brains (and they do) – The Earth Is At War With Us!

Do trees have brains and talk to each other? They are intelligent, express emotions and make friends, claims a new book.  Read this brief fascinating story from the Daily Mail. Judge for yourself and then read my short story The First Child’s Plan.  I call it fiction but you will understand…..  here is the story from the Daily Mail:

  • Some research claims trees are able to communicate with each other
  • Forester Peter Wohlleben believes they are able to transmit information
  • Scientists are starting to ask whether trees possess intelligence and brains

forrest-google-forreuseThere’s increasing evidence to show that trees are able to communicate with each other. More than that, trees can learn.

If that’s true — and my experience as a forester convinces me it is — then they must be able to store and transmit information.

And scientists are beginning to ask: is it possible that trees possess intelligence, and memories, and emotions? So, to cut to the quick, do trees have brains?

It sounds incredible, but when you discover how trees talk to each other, feel pain, nurture each other, even care for their close relatives and organise themselves into communities, it’s hard to be sceptical.

Read More From The Daily Mail:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3792036/Do-trees-brains.html

My Comment:  This BASIC concept is frequently found in my “sci-fi” stories; however,  The First Child's Plan 2 800x600 (cover)when you think about what this article discloses, if you can think outside the box, you might begin to wonder, if trees talk why not planets?  Why not solar systems?  Why not Galaxies?  In our egocentric religious dreams of being the center of God’s universe, science to its own myopia and self deception supported the religious myth by defining the intellectual superiority of man over all. Man, who uses scientific justification to destroy the environment out of an illusion of his grand scientific understanding  of all around him and self his self importance. …………….. Read on and then possibly wonder how the Earth might rid itself of a parasite called humanity, The First Child’s Plan. 




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